domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

A Mirage that Gnashes with its Deadpan, Unspools itself Heretofore

Walking aside this or this other one, walking away, walking back, walking myself home, walking myself to set my foot on earth, from wherever they are.

Thus, the mirror on the lake, the sun's reflection, simmering me down from my seizures, from my unreleased intentions. With peripheral zeal, I walked these nothern routes, wating to see how the lines undulate, how the sketches hone with my memories the cursive sky agleam.

And again, the wounds' sizes are the reluctance's width.

All the uncountable memories and acts amount to nothing at this time. All the knots that are still in my hand, the knots I've knuckled vehemently to any other.

Beholding how I ain't myself any longer, and how dearth have poured into me a tenet that I cannot sing about.

I of the motion picture soundtrack, forgetfulness the cinema, silence starring as the wall.

sábado, 30 de mayo de 2009

Si Fobos o si Deimos

Quijadas, que de pragmata pronunciadas
fuesen pavoroso ideal
que l'aversión insuflase.
Es mi quijada aterida que lentísimamente
desprendiéndose al ahora tiritar, desciende.

Ebúrneas de l'una a l'otra las atalayas ojeo
mientras alojado sea el temor de cada día
ya qu'aterrorizado en arietes que no veo
hacia mí el ubicuo miedo coloca sus vías;
variando entelequias qu'al horizonte arreo
y a las dudas en la rueda de los cielos dislocaría
aciagos eones con mis pleonasmos horrizándome acarreo,
precipito sobre los pasos huidizos que asustado circularía

La vívida cobardía que d'aluviones apelmaza
mis dotes, mis dominios
en los designios que socavasen
de su asertivo señor
el siervo vulnerante qu'erra.

(Contrayendo esbozos).

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

Silence (with ululating roaring)

."All those places
where I recall the memories
that grip me
and pin me down.

I go to these places
Intending to think
to think of nothing
no anticipate

And somehow expect
you'll find me there
that by some miracle
you'd be aware

I'd risen this morning
determined to break
the spell of my longing
and not to think

I freed myself from my family
I freed myself from work
I freed myself
I freed myself
and remained alone

And in my thinking
steal you away
though you never wanted me
